Compressor 4 - Example of Compressor Commands

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Example of Compressor Commands

Following are examples of code for submitting common Compressor commands.

Cluster Names and IDs on a Local Network
The following command lists all of the cluster names and IDs on the local network.

/Applications/ -show -timeout 10

This command has the following elements:

• Identifies where Compressor is located (the quotation marks are used because of the

space in “Final Cut Pro”).

• Shows all cluster names and IDs found.

• Sets the command to time out after ten seconds.

Submit a Job with No Password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by a name that does not have a

/Applications/ -clustername MyCluster

-batchname "My First Batch" -jobpath ~/Movies/ -settingpath

~/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting

-destinationpath ~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 -timeout 5

This command has the following elements:

• Identifies where Compressor is located.

• Sends this job to the cluster named MyCluster.

• Assigns the batch name My First Batch (the quotation marks are used because of the


• Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/

• Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\

Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting (the “\” character is used in this case to
retain the space in “Application Support”).

• Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.

• Sets the command to time out after five seconds of looking for the cluster.


Appendix C

Using the Command Line

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Submit a Job with a Password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by a name that does have a password.

/Applications/ -clustername MyCluster

-password testpassword -batchname "My First Batch" -jobpath

~/Movies/ -settingpath ~/Library/Application\

Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting -destinationpath

~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 -timeout 5

This command has the following elements:

• Identifies where Compressor is located.

• Sends this job to the cluster named MyCluster.

• Submits the password “testpassword.”

• Assigns the batch name My First Batch.

• Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/

• Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\


• Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.

• Sets the command to time out after five seconds of looking for the cluster.

Submit a Job Using a Cluster ID and No Password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by an IP address that does not have a

/Applications/ -clusterid

"tcp://" -batchname "My First Batch" -jobpath

~/Movies/ -settingpath ~/Library/Application\

Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting -destinationpath

~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 -timeout 5

This command has the following elements:

• Identifies where Compressor is located.

• Sends this job to the cluster with the IP address of tcp:// at port 62995.

• Assigns the batch name My First Batch.

• Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/

• Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\


• Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.

• Sets the command to time out after five seconds of looking for the cluster.


Appendix C

Using the Command Line

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Submit a Job Using a Cluster ID and an Inline Password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by an IP address, with a user name and
an inline password.

/Applications/ -clusterid

"tcp://username:testpassword@" -batchname "My First Batch"

-jobpath ~/Movies/ -settingpath ~/Library/Application\

Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting -destinationpath

~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 -timeout 5

This command has the following elements:

• Identifies where Compressor is located.

• Sends this job as “username” with the pasword “testpassword” to the cluster with the

IP address of tcp:// at port 62995.

• Assigns the batch name My First Batch.

• Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/

• Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\


• Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.

• Sets the command to time out after five seconds of looking for the cluster.

Submit a Job Using a Cluster ID and a Password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by an IP address using a password, but
does not specify a user name.

/Applications/ -clusterid

"tcp://" -password testpassword -batchname "My First

Batch" -jobpath ~/Movies/ -settingpath ~/Library/Application\

Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting -destinationpath

~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 -timeout 5

This command has the following elements:

• Identifies where Compressor is located.

• Sends this job to the cluster with the IP address of tcp:// at port 62995

with the pasword “testpassword.”

• Assigns the batch name My First Batch.

• Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/

• Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\


• Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.

• Sets the command to time out after five seconds of looking for the cluster.


Appendix C

Using the Command Line

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