Compressor 4 - Audio Podcasting Workflow

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Audio Podcasting Workflow

Compressor makes it easy to create an enhanced audio podcast based on the MPEG-4
output format. An enhanced audio podcast includes podcasting information such as
chapter and podcast markers with artwork and URLs, as well as a variety of text
annotations. Follow the instructions below to create an audio podcast.

Stage 1: Configuring the MPEG-4 Output for Audio-Only Output

Stage 2: Including Podcasting Information

Stage 3: Applying the Setting to a Source Media File’s Target

Stage 4: Entering Annotations for the Output Media File

Stage 5: Creating and Configuring Markers for the Output Media File

Stage 6: Submitting the Job and Verifying the Output Media File


Chapter 19

Creating MPEG-4 Output Files

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Stage 1: